Adekunle Gold Attacked by fans over edited pictures of him and Kim Kardashian , others

Fans have reacted to Adekunle Golds edited pictures of himself and superstar Kim K, Amber Rose And Chrissy Teigen. It is obvious that these pictures were photoshopped but fans dint like the idea at all.
Here are some of their views :

A certain Tonya says: “This is someone’s wife, I don’t think you should be doing this. Even if its photoshop” 

Another puts it this way: “Leave other men’s wife alone oh, one day you will get into trouble” 

Finest testee says: “Nice job but I think this is a little bit too extreme” 

Let us recall that before Adekunle Gold became a music star, he was famous for his graphic design and incredible Photoshop skills, maybe he wants to start an editing firm who knows ?! 


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