Chimamanda Adiche Becomes the New Face of Boot No7

World renowed feminist Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche was just recently introduced as the face of Boot No7 . What is the connection between feminism and make up ?  Well here's what she had to say:

"I think much of beauty advertising relies on a false premise – that women need to be treated in an infantile way, given a 'fantasy' to aspire to… Real women are already inspired by other real women, so perhaps beauty advertising needs to get on board."

"I love make-up and its wonderful possibilities for temporary transformation. And I also love my face after I wash it all off," she said in a statement. "There is something exquisitely enjoyable about seeing yourself with a self-made new look. And for me that look is deeply personal. It isn't about what is in fashion or what the rules are supposed to be. It's about what I like. What makes me want to smile when I look in the mirror. What makes me feel slightly better on a dull day. What makes me comfortable."
And one more endorsement in the bag for her, congrats dear keep it up.


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