Brothers In Arms Sink Férnabacê

It was another night of dabbing, as goals from paul pogba, jesse lingard , and anthony martial were enough to see off the brave férnabacé who were no match to manchester united this evening. Two succesive penalties from the 100 million man pogba and martial was accompanied by  thumping strikes from both pogba and lingard again, while Robin Van Persie's consolation goal was an icing on the cake for all man united fans as the 4-1 victory was enough to breed more dreams in the theatre of dreams.
Jose mourinho would have been satisfied by a good all rounder performance, his defensive influence on this team under reconstruction remains glowing in recent times. Wayne rooney's average performance wasnt over emphasized as the score sheet a the end of the day was confortable enough for all. United are now looking foward to replicate this performance in sundays league game with chelsea.


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